Wednesday 20 April 2011

Large Rugs

The Large Rugs in the shop window acted as the perfect backdrop to the chic shoe selection being displayed upfront. Its concentric circle design on a light beige neutral background formed a counterpoint to the myriad of high heeled pointed toe shoes in the foreground. A mental picture inspired by this scene conjured up images of stiletto heels walking elegantly across the large rugs, as if at a fashion parade or in a shot from some ghoulish horror movie. I could not have imagined the large rug as a suitable backdrop to promote footwear but on reflection it was a clever device for highlighting each and every pair of stylish colourful shoes. How appropriate really to juxtapose both footwear and floor covering, defining an almost hand in glove situation. A ruby red circle in mid centre of the large rug suggested vivacity and invigoration in complete contrast to a pair of shiny beige motionless stilettos perched noticeably in front. The spotlighting in the shop window accentuated the patent texture of some shoes and reflected a dazzling beam that momentarily blinded the eye. This effect was to distract the onlooker for an instant but to immediately draw their gaze back to the colony of colourful footwear shielding the large beige rug. It was a marvellous marketing ploy for the rug as much as the shoes, but this was purely accidental and unintentional I am sure, - after all it was a shoe shop and not a rug emporium.

I now see large rugs in a different light and appreciate their beauty and attraction not only serving a practical function but also exuding such aesthetic beauty.

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